Sunday, May 31, 2009

The disintegration of the Pony Express

Sorry Burke, but our package didn't arrive in the mail before you left (and actually, from what I can tell, it quite literally got lost in the mail--thought we were well past that era, hmmm....). So what you missed includes a letter Asher wrote out all by himself, which stated: "Smell you later Burke" and another that said "Eat you later Burke" (because he thought it was silly to run down the list of the senses, and thought eat was similar to taste), and a scribble that Adelaide drew just for you, which after completing, she triumphantly stated: "A big jet, okay?" The other missing pieces I was lucky enough to have photographed before they met their fate in the black hole, gnome land, local dump, or wherever such things go.... My tribute to you (although you can tell I quite obviously cheated--you probably recognize those poses!). By the sound of it, you're on the mend and will be back on our doorstep soon. Our rock faces (and fireplaces) await you!

Saturday, May 30, 2009


As in I feel as though I've been hit by one at about 90 miles per hour.  Every time I try to sit up it's a repeat performance. I think the engine is aiming for my stomach.  I'm not as groggy, but there is a little gnawing pain, and I'm hungry as all get-out, but no food for a while they say.  
Prince Harry is in America I understand.  Visiting New York charities and playing polo.  Say "Hello" to him for me should you run into him.  B.

I weigh a little less...

I know right now they are saying:
"Ha ha!!! Look what we got out of him...."
That's about all I have in me for right now. Don't remember too much of yesterday, and to-day has a bit missing too.  B.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Captain is foggy but good

I just talked to the Captain.  He sounded good if a bit foggy... imagine that he is in London, and on good drugs!
The surgery went well, and as he put it "they took everything they needed to as far as I know". 
I am sure we'll get more details later on but I wanted to let everyone know.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hyoscine and Halothane

It's just about time. Still don't know if this operation will be done in an open incision or by laproscopy. That's one decision I don't want to be awake to help make. To prevent that from happening, after all the pre-operation stuff is done with, this is what it comes down to....

1/7th of a grain of Hyoscine (scopolamine hydro-bromide), injected.  This will relax the patient (me),  slow the heart rate and lower the blood pressure.  After this, I won't really be able to react to what is going on around me, or really want to.

20 grains of Halothane anesthaetic taken by mask.  "Count backwards from 100, if you please."  Chances are I won't even hear the anesthaetist even say the words "from 100".  Then after about 3 hours of breathing with the help of this machine,
 I'll wake up in recovery, good as new, or there-abouts.... stay tuned, I can hardly wait. 

Time to go...

Off to Hospital now...yes, it really does look like this (only it's raining...)

Inside, this is what we find!

"So, Sister, what's this patient in for?"

I hope I look better than this, but the pajamas are rather natty....

Time to go to the operating theatre now.....

Please, please, may it NOT look like this! Next to waking up in the middle of the operation, this is one of the fears up there near the top!  I think one of these nurses is just what Watts will need when he opens his first practice....

To Be In England In The Springtime

I'm just not certain how much of it I'm gong to enjoy!  I arrived this morning to a beautiful day: no, Sophie it is not 45 and rainy, but about 70 and a "large day" as we say here; clear skies and a few white puffy clouds. As I rode up on the train you can see we've had almost as much rain as St. Louis. Green fields and hedgerows everywhere.  Enjoying the afternoon right now at a sidewalk cafe (how French....) with tea and all. To-morrow I have to show up about 7:30 for the pre-op work and by 9:00 I think we'll be deep into it.  The surgeon says if all goes according to plan, done by 11, 12 at the latest.  The worst of all this is no climbing for a while.  After hearing about all my friends exploits this last week-end (in spite of the rain) I'm already primed to be done and out of here.  Thanks again to all my friends for Tuesday evening at Seamus, as they say, a good time was had.  More to-morrow morning.....


I was reading in the NYT this morning "the Queen is not amused". No no it has nothing to do with our favorite Captain, but with the French (but of course). It seems she was not officially invited to the D-Day celebrations on France's West Coast on June 6th, or was she? Another misunderstanding between French and English, imagine that.
Back to the Captain. As I write this he should be on English soil relaxing before his big day tomorrow.  Just wanted to throw a note reminding everyone to send good thought towards the "heart of the Empire", and that's a French person writing!  That should tell you how good a friend Burke is to me, and all of us.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Flight Instructor Needed

Dear Burke, 

My sister Adelaide and I need your help. Can you teach us how to fly an airplane? We tried to steal a DC-10 this weekend so we could fly to Disneyland and meet Tigger. It was kinda hard to fly, though, and we never even got the plane off the ground. We did run over two security fences and a Cessna. My bad. Daddy says you know how to fly. Can you come to Tucson and teach us to fly? Maybe you could meet Tigger to!

You friend,