Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hyoscine and Halothane

It's just about time. Still don't know if this operation will be done in an open incision or by laproscopy. That's one decision I don't want to be awake to help make. To prevent that from happening, after all the pre-operation stuff is done with, this is what it comes down to....

1/7th of a grain of Hyoscine (scopolamine hydro-bromide), injected.  This will relax the patient (me),  slow the heart rate and lower the blood pressure.  After this, I won't really be able to react to what is going on around me, or really want to.

20 grains of Halothane anesthaetic taken by mask.  "Count backwards from 100, if you please."  Chances are I won't even hear the anesthaetist even say the words "from 100".  Then after about 3 hours of breathing with the help of this machine,
 I'll wake up in recovery, good as new, or there-abouts.... stay tuned, I can hardly wait. 

1 comment:

  1. OK that part lacks romanticism.... Where is your sense of poetry?
