Monday, June 1, 2009

Rehab sucks... sort of.

This is really a two edged sword.  While I almost fell (I could never be called gracefull anyway) getting out of bed for the first time in two days, it did feel good to sit up, stand up and (try to) walk.  No drugs to-day, so time passed in "real time" fashion; with just a nutrition IV and no food, I'm already for it to be to-morrow, when I get my first yoghurt, water and TEA!!!!! Twenty minutes of sitting up and lying back down showed me that I need to work on my core strength..... Doesn't have anything to do with some sliced up stomach muscles. A little protein would be nice to go with all this effort. I crave good English bacon and eggs every time I smell food.... They'll probably want to give me French food anyway.....


  1. Burke,

    Glad to hear the road to recovery has begun. Hope the tea is treating you well, and looking forward to when you can get back to the states to have a real drink... like coffee...

    Good luck buddy, I'm sure you'll do great with the recovery.


  2. On my first read I thought you said "...yoghurt water" not "...yoghurt, water". It was at that moment that I got really sorry for you. Now, well...just keep working on those sit-ups. More soon.


  3. If you are struggling to stay motivated while doing rehab, just think of all the chossy cracks waiting for an FA here in Tucson. They are waiting for you!

  4. Some routes have been put up in celebration of Your Eminence. Do hurry back and see.
