Thursday, June 11, 2009

Two Weeks On

To-day is the two weeks mark in this process, and I'm actually feeling pretty well about where it's all going.  I'm up on my feet now, without an I.V. trailing about me, eating real food (yes, Sophie even though it's English, by some accounts it's still food.....), and this afternoon went for a stroll without my keepers in Hyde Park: watched a bit of the cricket match, had tea and came back just in time for a light supper. Just like a good cat, I'm not one to miss a meal. I still get tired super easily, so it's all good that I don't have too much to do. I talked to the Dr. again to-day, and after he looks around inside me (where he can...) to-morrow, there'll be a game plan as to where we go from here. If everything goes according the script in about 6 days he'll ship me off to my Sister's place in the country for about two weeks of R and R, before he takes one last look and sends me on my way. 
Here in the Heart of the Empire, Summer is in full swing, though I still feel like I am missing out, somewhat cooped up, as I am. Beautiful the last three days, and the Times says no rain until Sunday; unlike STL, where your storms even made the news here! Much more rain, and you guys will be building an Ark (with a climbing wall, of course). Hope you're all climbing strong, and getting outside a bit before the really ugly summer St. Louis humidity gets there. More later.


  1. Glad to hear/read/see that His Eminence's condition is improving. Lord Burke, rest assured that we are immortalizing (however temporarily) thy name at the gym. Hurry back and see.

    Forever yr humble servant.

  2. They even renamed the bathroom the 'loo'.

    Good to see you are getting out a bit. A stroll and tea in Hyde Park sounds pretty nice to me right now, it looks beautiful.

  3. it's true...there are at least 3 routes with names honoring you and your homeland. I keep having the irrational thought that if I do lots of laps on them, it will speed up your recovery and return. But then, I'm a weirdo like that :).

  4. Burkey - I have been thinking about you a lot in the last week as well. We just held divisionals at Metrorock and needed to set all the routes for people with the stature or dwarfs and leprocans. That said, I just watched about of midgets crush hard 12. Get back soon! You have some catching up to do.

